Photo: Rabbi Uri Cherki, head of the “Brit Olam” institution that spreads Jewish values in the diaspora

In response to the messages of His Eminence Rabbi Uri Cherki, to the Islamic world about Judaism and Islam through the Bridge of Faith

In response and appreciation to you for establishing the Abrahamic peace, we respond to that with a message

(The Bridge of Faith, the story of the earth to the heavens)

(The Bridge of Faith, the story of Isaac to Ishmael)


By the Sunni Islamic scholar/ Abu Musa Al-Iraqi:


In the name of God, Judaism and Islam spring from the shining light of the One God. And a shining lamp, Abraham, the father of the prophets, and the firmest bond between the eternal lights, Isaac and Ishmael, they are the message of God to humanity and mankind, and the universal attribute and the manifestation of God in His creation all on the back of creation and the partnership between fathers to grandchildren, which is what was manifested in the law of Moses, peace be upon him, and our Prophet, peace be upon him, they are the straight path and the right approach and the lamp that illuminates the path for all the hearts of the religious and worshiping knowers, and the Meccan verses confirm the preference, God Almighty said (O children of Israel, remember My favor which I bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the worlds).

In another context, He said (And fulfill My covenant, I will fulfill your covenant).

In another verse with the same context, God Almighty said (And confirming what was before it of the Torah), so Islam respects Judaism, whether its followers are religious or non-religious, and on the principle of respecting the human soul, especially since it is more appropriate for us to respect, appreciate, and sanctify the descendants of Jacob, peace be upon him, and those with whom we share lineage. As for the statement of the Jews’ right to the land of Israel, the ruling and the decisive factor is the word of God, which is the inevitable promise. God Almighty said (Enter the Holy Land which God has ordained for you).


Of course, there is no interpretation in the context of the text, as it is definitive in its proof and meaning, and there is no theory of rejection of the divine command and promise. In this context, God Almighty said (And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best). What is meant is the Jews from the Children of Israel.


As for what unites us and does not separate us, and brings us together and does not scatter, it is our acceptance of the commandments in the Islamic perspective, from our rejection of idol worship, purification and sanctification of the divine self, and the prohibition of killing, adultery, and false speech. In the context of the prohibition in Judaism, what came in the Book of the Ancients “And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, (Say to the Israelites: Of all animals that live on land, these are the ones you may eat…)”


And in the Qur’anic text: “He has only forbidden you dead animals, blood, and the flesh of swine.”


And monotheism and worship of Jerusalem at the beginning of Islam…


And all these values are in the moral framework that was drawn and outlined by the teachings of Judaism-Islam and its source is heaven.


As for the scope of recognition and acceptance of Judaism, it is a matter that is taken for granted as a basic religion that existed before Christianity and Islam, complementing the law of Moses, peace be upon him.

The general lines in the context of religious understanding and embodying the Almighty’s saying (And I have preferred you over the worlds).

And another text that frames that, the Almighty said (He has sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming what was before it, and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel).

Based on that, the Torah is the word of God and it is a heavenly message that He sent down to Moses, peace and blessings be upon him, and the Almighty said (And I have chosen them over the worlds) and the word Torah was mentioned in the Quran 18 times, and Moses, peace be upon him, was mentioned 136 times in the Quran.

As for what includes the divine promise and the rights of the Jewish people, you will find it in the verses of patience, heavenly support, and the scope of injustice. God Almighty said: (And the good word of your Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel because they were patient. And We destroyed what Pharaoh, and his people were making and what they were building).

The Abrahamic peace unites us

Peace to the East

Peace to humanity

Let us work together for the sanctity of man

Let us work together for the sanctity of morals

Let us work together for Isaac and Ishmael