The Hillawa historical mound is located 26 kilometers southwest of the city of Erbil, the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, which is excavated by a team of archaeologists at the Italian University of Milan, Italy, in cooperation with the Directorate of Antiquities of Erbil.
For nearly 5 years, the Italian team, is led by Luca Peyronel, Professor of archology and art history of the ancient near east university of Milan, has been excavating the layers of the Hillawa mound, which is 22 meters high and has an area of 15 hectares. The mound contains a group of archaeological layers, each of which dates back to the pre-Christian as well as the post-Christian eras.
Among the most important antiquities discovered in the upper layer of this archaeological mound. It is represented by artifacts represented by pieces of jars dating back to the era of Half, as well as we discovered cylinder seals dating back to the Bronze Age.